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Hawthorne Elementary School students learned all about fire safety during Fire Prevention Week.

The students at Hawthorne Elementary School celebrated Fire Prevention Week, last Thursday with different agencies joining forces to help educate the children of Mineral County.

Agencies from Mineral County Fire Department, Hawthorne Volunteer Fire and SOC Fire were joined by “Sparky” who each taught the importance of fire safety.

A safety brief was given regarding fire drills and the importance, as well as bus fire safety by Mineral County School District Transportation Director Will Gemelke.

The children were taught the importance of smoke detectors within their homes and were allowed to have a hands-on experience with all the equipment. Children from ages pre-kindergarten to sixth grade were taught not to run from a firefighter, if they home become engulfed. Many children can become frightened by the breathing apparatus and masks that are worn for safety.

After all the questions were answered, the students took home a fire “swag bag” to remind their parents to check the batteries in their smoke detectors and for children to help their parents make a safety plan and rendezvous meeting location in case of emergencies.

“We do this so kids learn at an early age and to remind parents to check fire extinguishers and detectors and to implement an escape plan in the case of an incident,” Mineral County Fire Chief Chris Lawrence concluded.