Mineral County Board of County Commissioner Highlights of July 17

Public Comment

Shari Samson stated that this is the second time she has had an agenda item denied. She also stated that two weeks ago she had submitted a work order for the firehouse at Walker Lake to have the air conditioner serviced. It has not been done. Chapter 8, the RV issue, she stated has not been brought back to the board.

Rick Niedzwiecki wanted to follow up on drainage ditch. Commissioner Garth Price said it has been cleaned out by SOC when Nevada Department of Transportation did the work. Price explained he can reach out to SOC. Public Works Director Eric Hamrey told the commissioners that the ditch has not been cleaned to his knowledge. Niedzwiecki also wanted it made public that Price “yelled” at him at the last meeting and he was offended.

Accounts Payable

Recorder-Auditor Cindy Nixon and Deputy Recorder-Auditor Teresa McNally presented the vouchers, credit card approval requests, capital outlay and purchase orders for approval. McNally explained to District Attorney Sean Rowe that a capital outlay form is needed for the new printer in the district attorney’s office. McNally has an electronic funds transfer for approval for the sheriff’s ammunition as the company doesn’t take any other type of payment.

Treasurer’s Balance

The balances were reviewed and approved.

Senior Grant

Cherrie George, senior services director requested approval for submission of Aging and Disability Services Division Congregate and Home-Delivered Meals grant applications for FY20. She asked that the chairman of the board sign after she has completed them. Samson asked if Walker Lake will be included. George explained that only two qualify. Frozen meals may be delivered if the clients wish.

NOSA Grant

George asked for approval/acceptance of revised notice of sub-award (NOSA) for fiscal year 2019 transportation grant due to grant budget changes during close-out of grant. She stated that Commissioner Chris Hegg already signed and would need to sign NOSA close-out grant when received.

BLM Update

Kenneth Collum, Field Manager. VORRA will be holding their race in Fallon. Sierra Trail Dog event went well. BLM is awaiting map from Modesto Ridge Runners, they will be racing Forest Service not BLM route this year. Grazing permits to prevent wildlife was discussed. Application for Hawthorne Landfill patent step is coming up. Cooperators meeting for naval expansion scheduled for Aug. 9. Mineral County Commissioners did not get invited to Senator Catherine Cortez-Masto’s roundtable regarding the naval expansion. Glenn Bunch stated that for Modesto Ridge Runners would be traveling Forest Service. Collum set up a call between Bunch, Hamrey and the Forest Service. There are more geothermal leases near the Don Campbell Geothermal plant near Gabbs. The highest bidder wins the rights to the lease. David Holmgren gave public comment on the geothermal plant in Gabbs in regards to his water level, his graving allotment and the problems that valley is now having.

Nevada Rural Housing

William Brewer (not in attendance), executive director of Nevada Rural Housing was not in attendance but the commissioners had a certificate to transfer of volume cap and resolution the transfer of unused private activity bond cap to Nevada Rural Housing Authority. Clerk Chris Nepper read the resolution into record.

Fire Dept. USDA Grant

Chief Chris Lawrence met in regards to Mineral County Fire Department filing an application for funding with the USDA Rural Development Community Facilities program to finance a new ambulance chassis and box remount. The total cost of the project is approximately $130,000. The requested amount of funding from the USDA is $50,000 and approximately $68,000 from Mineral County Ambulance fund. The fire department is requesting the board of county commissioners to authorize the chairman to accept the letter of conditions and sign the related obligation documents including but not limited to the RD Form 1942-46 “Letter of Intent to Meet Conditions”, RD Form 1940-1 “Request for Obligation of Funds” and RD Form 3570- 3 “Community Facilities Grant Agreement” outside of a commission meeting. Commissioner Christine Hoferer told Lawrence to work closely with the recorder-auditor’s office in regards to this. A motion was made and approved.

Building Department Authorization

Rowe explained that with the building inspector’s absence, he asks that the Mineral County Sheriff’s Office to temporarily act with the building office for code enforcement/nuisance abatement within Mineral County. Tom McNeill asked that this not be put under the sheriff’s office. Rowe stated that will be put under the sheriff’s office as they have the most staff and will work with the building inspector on codes/citations/etc. The sheriff’s office was thanked for the removal of an abandoned trailer at Walker Lake.

FAA Grant

Hamrey presented the FAA grant agreement (project no. 3-32-0009-015- 2019) for airport capital improvement plan. Mike Beckoff from Armstrong Consultants. A grant for $34,666 grant for the design of the taxiway was accepted.


Assessor Kevin Chisum explained that the printer/scanner in his office is not working. He is asking for approval of a Cannon large format printer/scanner. Approval for purchase at $13,000 out of the assessor tech fund.

Domain Name

Information Tech Bret Towe asked for consideration and action to adding and starting transition to a new domain for email and the website. Hoferer asked to put this off until the new computer system is up and running.

Levy Tax Rate

Nepper requested the adoption of a resolution to levy the tax rate for Mineral County for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2019 and ending June 30, 2020. He read the resolution into record.


Darren Hamrey met to discuss work for stream improvement for fishing and introduction for Lahontan Cutthroat Trout at Corey Creek by Walker Basin Conservancy. Darren discussed Walker Basin Conservancy and their effort to put population of Lahontan Cutthroat Trout in the Walker Basin. He state that his has begun already in Cottonwood Canyon up Mt. Grant. The work in Corey Canyon work will only be one on easement land. Hamrey told the commissioners that he is only opening up the dialogue between the conservancy and Mineral County. Eric Hamrey stated that the easement is 100 foot and he has a map in his office showing this. The fish in the stream will be used as stock fish if Walker Lake gets back to a state where it can sustain a fishery. Price made a motion for Darren to work with Walker Basin Conversancy and Nevada Department of Wildlife to work at bringing this to life.

Texas Longhorn

Holmgren met with the commissioners relative to grazing and support for critically endangered species. “Texas Longhorn cattle listed as critically endangered in America. My herd is now the priority herd listed.” Lincoln County Commissioner Varlin Higbee was with Holmgren discussed the difference between easement and right-of-way.

“He wouldn’t know a black cow from a white cow,” Holmgren told the commissioners when he showed them the decision from the BLM regarding his closed stock of Texas Longhorn. He explained that his cattle are critically endangered. Higbee will draft a letter in support of Holmgren and send to the commissioners for signature if they approve.