Sheri Samson
HES veteran teachers returning for the 2018-19 School Year. Teachers Tricia Schumann and Mike Mayes were not available at time of photo.

With new meeting procedure in place, a surge of positive acknowledgements and recognition of groups and people, are now taking place at the beginning of every school board meeting.

Principal Stephanie Keuhey was on hand to give an emotional thank-you to her Hawthorne Elementary School veteran teachers, while also noting that the improvements of student testing and continued dedication of staff, had created a learning environment which surpassed what many other school districts in the State had not. In providing each board member with a printed handout, the evidence of her statement was clearly viewed, as Hawthorne Elementary School holds the highest enrollment in the district and the ratio of changes within the improvement of the SBAC testing statistics showed that Mineral County had increased substantially. Coming in at a plus 11.06 in English Learner (ELA) proficiency improvement rates, these were the highest growth improvements measured throughout the state of Nevada. A plus 5.66 percent ratio in improved Math proficiency rates also proved that each certificate being handed out to these veteran teachers was well-deserved. A standing ovation followed the honor of this achievement.

Principal Keuhey’s shout-out included: Stacie Madrid; Taralynn Mussleman; Diana Isom; Ce’arra Richards; Tyler Nicholls; Tricia Schumann; Anna Gavin; Jamarr Covington; Mary Jo Gemelke; Mike Mayes; Holly Qualls; Amanda Petersen and Vici Cooper.

Additionally, Principal Keuhey received her own accolades from the Nevada Department of Education and the Office of Learning and Development, as she had embraced the full inclusion of Pre-Kindergarten students within the Hawthorne Elementary School environment since 2013, while encouraging the enrollment of her teachers into the early childhood development courses necessary to secure their degrees. Keuhey had also presented further growth and opportunities for her teachers, encouraging the betterment of their own educational processes.

Keuhey was applauded for potentially bringing the aspect of diversity into Hawthorne during an extreme climate of teacher shortages. Keuhey has personally attended recruitment conferences and personally reached out to include the recruitment of instructors from the Philippines. With teacher recruitment and retention at the heart of everyone’s concern across the United States, Keuhey was commended for thinking outside of the box and initiating many successes, while providing professional development opportunities and showing a continued leadership support toward her staff members.