3As the aftermath of the June 5 storm still has Hawthorne in clean-up mode, many of the outskirts of Mineral County are still facing their own road disasters and inconveniences.

At the railroad crossing located at the Thorn sign, mud oozed across the roadway, burying the tracks in thick inches of dried dirt. Understandably, many portions of the tracks were affected by wash outs, which are slowly being cleared and repaired as the equipment and personal are made available.

In Walker Lake, flood tracks are visible upon the residential roadways, which are strewn with rocks and excess mud.  Many of the paved roads are difficult to maneuver through, as well as the dirt roads that are filled with deep ruts where the water took a natural pathway. These residents are still waiting for street sweepers or trucks to come out and fix the affected areas.

Many local residents expressed their concerns at The Buffalo Stop, stating that “the rural conditions seem take a backseat to Hawthorne, as we aren’t on their radar, even though we pay our taxes for decent roadways.”