Happy Thanksgiving

The employees of the Juvenile Probation Office wish to extend our gratitude and thankfulness out to the citizens of Mineral County this Thanksgiving Holiday. We also wish to send out our thoughts and prayers to all those whom are in service for our country defending our freedoms and may not be with their families this holiday. Be safe in all your travels and have a blessed holiday!!!

Curtis J Schlepp; Randy Adams; Kelli Lawrence; Judge Vic Trujillo; Sam Scarlata and Gene Bisaux

Library Thanks Volunteers

November is a month of Thanksgiving. Mineral County Library Board of Trustees and library staff members are thankful for volunteers throughout the year but want to give a shout out during this special month. So many people have been a part of this wonderful library and have helped this community through special donations and volunteer work. We are currently renovating our front door entrance thanks to a very generous bequest left to the library by the late Norma Joyce Scott. When alive, she visited the library weekly and brought stacks of magazines to give away. Because of her we also have several ongoing magazine subscriptions that will last for a few years more. Another generous donor was the late Jean Thyne who made substantial yearly donations to the library, a result of her love of reading. The late Woody Loftin’s gift to the library lives on in the lovely building the library is housed in and in the Loftin Fund that helps to maintain the building and enhance the collections. These benefactors gave selflessly for their love of this community.

For many years, the library has received the daily Reno Gazette-Journal thanks to Priscilla Martin. This wonderful lady has deposited the daily newspaper at our door early every morning Monday through Saturday and the Monday paper even includes the thick Sunday paper! Many patrons enjoy sitting in our reading area with the daily paper and we have Mrs. Martin to thank for this generous donation of her time and money.

This library has been able to do so many projects thanks to the tireless work of the Friends of the Library. The group was often held together by a dedicated group of Mina ladies such as Linda Kirtley, Carol Noble, and Phyllis Perry who still attend all the meetings. Many new Friends have joined the ranks. Thank you to all; there are too many to name but your service is invaluable. The Friends sell book donations throughout the year and have an annual raffle in May. Book bags and T-shirts are popular fund raisers too. The Friends were also the recipient of a bequest from Norma Joyce Scott. With all these funds Friends has purchased shelving, computers, library materials, furniture and equipment and provides the monthly maintenance of our very popular fish tanks. The Summer Reading Program is supported yearly by the Friends. This upcoming spring, Friends’ funds will provide a Library Page position for a local teen! The Friends of the Library help to make this library special.

The library has benefited by being situated next to the Memorial Rose Garden. Every year out-of-town visitors come into the library and inquire about the garden. So many volunteers have been a part of this garden. Started by Wanda Noland and her helpers, it has always been an ambitious project and volunteers have given selflessly of their time and tools. The past few years have had fewer volunteers, but Bill and Ann Getz could be seen giving of their time and often received thanks from staff and visitors to the garden. Prior to that, Willow Phillips managed the garden and kept it in tip-top shape. Betty Easley, Betty Hemmer, Toni and Louie Dellamonica, Dorothy Fortenberry, and so many others volunteered under Willow’s guidance and made the garden a busy place. Some volunteers have worked in the garden with no one even knowing they were there. Thank you to all. Passersby or wanderers through the garden are grateful and inspired by the service they see happening right in the garden.

Families of library staff are often pressed into service with no one else realizing their service. Toni Dellamonica’s father was a regular fixture at the library and assisted the staff in countless ways both in the library and the gardens. Jasmin Odom’s family always showed up to help whenever needed even when it was the arduous task of removing anything moveable for the yearly carpet cleaning. Karen Boyles, mother of staff member Christina Boyles, is on hand whenever needed as are the daughters of Kathy Pyatt. The sons of current director Courtney Oberhansli have helped to move so many heavy items, no wonder they moved out of town!

There are more people than can be thanked here, but the point is that volunteers can be anyone and yet, not just anyone. A volunteer must serve knowing that their work might go unnoticed by more than a few, might be thanked by only a few, but for the benefit of all. Thank you to every volunteer who has helped this library. May your attitude inspire us all to give as you have given. Thank you!

Mineral County Library