Life ain’t fair. We know this from a number of things.

Joe Biden, who can’t find his way off stage and habitually mixes up Ukraine with Iran is the leader of the free world.

How in a just universe did that happen?

Meanwhile, his nemesis Donald Trump has risen to become a free speech revolutionary, when at heart he’s best suited to host a game show.

But, the best current evidence of how life deals out stupid assignments is John Kerry’s position as America’s face on climate change.

This green dilettante talks of personal sacrifice to save the planet, but zips about the globe in the luxury of a private jet. There is visual proof of this hypocrisy and, yet, he lies about it like a 7th-grader caught throwing an eraser at the chalkboard. You can find the spectacle on C-SPAN, if you wish, or read further.

In a congressional hearing he defended himself for flying private by saying: “I don’t own a private jet. I personally have never owned a private jet”

Pressed further, he then shuffles his feet and admits that, well … ahem … yes … he himself doesn’t own a private jet, but his wife does. Only a lifetime of D.C. privilege leads a man to attempt that kind of truth shading and expect it to earn him a pass.

It is dishonest and problematic in the extreme when you consider what he’s trying to sell the rest of the world on climate change.

When he steps off the private jet at environmental hell holes around the globe, his message from the Biden Administration is this: “Agriculture contributes about 33% of all the emissions of the world. And we can’t get to net zero—we don’t get this job done—unless agriculture is front and center as part of the solution.”

“You just can’t continue to both warm the planet, while also expecting to feed it. It doesn’t work. So we have to reduce emissions from the food system.”

That’s hard to swallow when many countries – think India or China – struggle to feed their own people. Implement the dystopian choice of starving people now to save the planet later? When Kerry can’t kick the private jet lifestyle?

No matter where you fall on the climate change spectrum, we can all agree that John Kerry is the wrong guy to deliver the starve-now message.


The conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch just released documents that, if they say what some think they say, ought to shock the conscience of the nation. Buried in obscure paperwork, the University of Pittsburgh (Pitt) told the National Institutes of Health (NIH) that it was seeking to “develop a pipeline to the acquisition, quality control and distribution of human genitourinary [urinary and genital organs and functions] samples obtained throughout development (6-42 weeks gestation).”

According to reporting on the issue, “Pitt referenced a long list of organs, ‘includ[ing] liver, heart, gonads, legs, brain, genitourinary tissues including kidneys, ureters and bladders.’ The last three were a focus for the research project, known as GUDMAP, for which Pitt was seeking funding.”

Look, I’m not going to pretend I understand all of this. But anti-abortion doctors say that this kind of fetal tissue research strongly indicates that Pitt was using live fetuses to harvest organs. Pitt says it wasn’t. But I’m inclined to believe the Center for Medical Progress founder David Daleiden when he says that when Pitt told the NIH that it could minimize “ischemia time … to ensure the highest quality biological specimens” what they are saying is that they were harvesting organs from a living fetus. In other words, they were harvesting organs then aborting the fetus, not the other way around.

Either way, I find humanity’s “advancement” in this field disturbing.


– I can’t afford an ancestry DNA kit. So I posted online that I won the lottery.

– Six year olds laugh on average 300 times a day. Adults laugh only 15-100 times a day. Be 6 again.

– My toxic trait is telling people to take care of themselves while I’m running on three hours sleep, enough caffeine to kill a horse and an Oreo.

Thanks for reading a real Nevada newspaper (not many of us still exist). Until next week, avoid knuckleheads, laugh a little and always question authority.

“Properly Subversive” is commentary written by Sherman R. Frederick, a Nevada Hall of Fame journalist and co-founder of Battle Born Media, a news organization dedicated to the enhancement and preservation of community newspapers. You can reach him by email at shermfrederick@