Mineral County Board of County Commissioner highlights of Nov. 6

Safety Message

Patrick Hughes, emergency manager, gave a safety message regarding cyber security.

Agenda Changes

The building inspector position part of the agenda was cancelled due to Commissioner Chris Hegg not being in attendance.

Accounts Payable

Deputy recorder-auditor Hillary Womack and recorder-auditor Cindy Nixon presented the accounts payable vouchers, credit card approval form requests, capital outlay purchase orders and auditor’s cash report by fund for review, discussion and possible action. There were two capital outlay orders to be signed. One for $2,305 to Tyler Technology for training. Hoferer explained that West Walker Lake Advisory Board does not have the authority to approve vouchers – only the county commissioners due to not having budgetary authority. The voucher was pulled for further information.

Approval of Minutes

The minutes for Oct. 16 and Oct. 23 were approved.

Server Switch

Executive secretary to the sheriff Elizabeth Chisholm met to discuss purchasing a server switch. Bret Towe, IT manager explained the purpose of the switch. Chisholm said she is unsure of where the funds will come from. Towe explained the use of a switch. Item was approved.

Physical Pricing

Discussion relative to the ABC physicals pricing increasubg by approximately 20 percent. Chisholm sat in for the sheriff and wanted the commissioners know that the price hike is for the next budget cycle and the price is locked in for four and a half years. No action was taken on this item.

Grant for Pump Room

Park and Recreation Coordinator Christina Boyles asked the commissioners to accept the Land and Water Conservation Fund Project agreement, project number P19AP00245/32-00365 for the complete remodel of the pump room at the Lions Park pool. Public works will help with the in-kind match. Boyles was applauded for her work in getting this grant and for budgeting the grant into her current budget.

Pump Room Remodel

Boyles discussed with the commissioners the deed restrictions placed on Lions Park as park of the requirements for the Land and Water Conservation Fund Grant for the pump room remodel. Boyles stated that the deed with the pool is in the name of the Lions Club whereas the deed to the pump room is in the name of Mineral County. District Attorney Sean Rowe stated that the Lions Club is working on the deed restrictions. This item will be tabled until the commissioners next meeting.

Purchase of Marquee

Michael McNeill asked for consideration and possible action relative to approval of request for proposal of purchase of marquee. Item was tabled. Charter Communications Clerk-Treasurer Chris Nepper explained that this item is for the lease renewal for Charter Communications located at 100 Armory Road, in Hawthorne. The five-year lease commences on July 1, 2020 until June 30, 2025. There is a five percent increase each year on the property as well as Charter Communications paying the property taxes on the property. The item was approved.

Convention Center

The commissioners met to make a written policy for the use of the convention center. Hoferer explained the orginal policy expired in 2018. Rowe explained that this is an interlocal agreement between Mineral County Tourism and Convention Board. The board and district attorney discussed possible changes and suggestions to wording. Discussion of maitenance and who will do certain inspections/upkeep on the building. Discussion regarding non -profits using the convention center and marquee. The lease agreement was approved as amended. The final draft will come back to the board for review and approval.

Nuisance Complaint

The commissioners met to discuss the unabated nuisance complaint at 324 G Street, Hawthorne. Permission to initiate clean up procedures by Mineral County, where in all costs of cleanup will be recouped through a lien placed against the property. Lawrence showed the commissioners photos of the property from that day. It was stated that the property is a fire hazard to other property owners. Tom McNeill believes that his property is 75 percent cleaned up. Hoferer asked Rowe how this would be abated to the satisfaction of the fire chief. Lawrence stated that McNeill has had sufficent time to abate the issue and that if there was a fire, the only thing the fire department could do is protect the neighbors. Discussion of using trustee’s to help abate the area. A motion was made for the county to move forward on the abatement of 324 G Street to the specifications of the Hawthorne Fire chief.

Closed Session

The commissioners met pursuant to Nevada Revised Statute (NRS) 241.015(2) (b)(2) to receive information from legal counsel relative to potential or threatened litigation against Mineral County. The commissioners went into closed session.

Open Session

The commissioners came back into open session. There was nothing to report.

Regional Transportation Commission

The Regional Transportation Commission met for their normally scheduled meeting. The airport fuel report – revenue to RTC: $7,360, revenue to airport: $1,778. The C-130’s that were using the airport did not use any fuel from the facility. The fund balance for RTC is $205,150. One voucher was approved for Cashman in the amount of $394.80. Road report: two graders are down for 1,000 hour service; a mechanic and operator were hired; Bodie Canyon is finished; the airlines on the trailer failed coming off of Lucky Boy. He operator had no brakes and went into the ditch. Hamrey stated the dozer caught the bank and stopped. Hamrey got approved for $70,000 for roads and two guzzlers on the backside of Mt. Grant from the RAC grant. There is $75,000 left in bridge funds. Donna Oberhansli wanted to give kudos to Brian Munden about being a lead operator and teaching those how to operate and train his fellow workers. Hoferer stated a letter of recognition should be put into his folder and possibly give him something from the commissioner recognition fund.

Ordinance 253

A public hearing for consideration and possible action relative to adoption of ordinance 253A, Bill 269: an ordinance amending Mineral County Code Chapter 2.74 Walker Lake to enable the district to provide services for garbage collection within the district. No public comment was given. The commissioners adopted ordinance 253A, Bill 269.

Building Inspector

The commissioner met to hire a building official/inspector. The board will be conduting interviews and possibly selecting an applicant and negotiating the terms of employment. Hoferer stated with the absence of Commissioner Chris Hegg, this will be heard on Nov. 20. Discussion of what to do with building permits in the absence of Hughes being out of the office for an extended period of time. Any inspections are to be made with Gail from Farr West Engineering. Hughes feels that the fire department can handle the issuance of permits. Hughes concern of people needing to be called back is growing. The item will be heard on Nov. 20.

Public Comment

No public comment.

Commissioner Recognition

Price thanked all that made Cecil’s trip to Carson City a reality.