6A celebration of service was two-fold on Sunday, Feb. 1 at The Walker Lake Baptist Church.  Pastor Frank Reynolds and his wife, Vera celebrated their fourth year as pastors to the church.  Previously from Yerington, Frank explained that he and his family visited the church for a while, enjoying an interim pastor that was serving the church.

In a casual conversation, Frank mentioned that he was a minister and the rest is history as they say.  “The leadership became excited and offered me the position, which I was more than happy to take,” Reynolds explained. With a fellowship of about 15-20 members, the commitment was doable, as Pastor Frank kept his weekly job elsewhere.

Many parishioners stated that the church is a warm, loving group of people who thoroughly love the in-depth teachings they receive from Pastor Frank.  The details he brings from the scripture serves to highlight a new awareness to the Word of God.  In seeing the church, it echoe’s the personality of the church with banners that convey Love and Joy, and scriptures that encourage strength and trust.  There is a positive affirming in the message and the friendly spirit at the church, which is a direct reflection from Pastor Frank and his wife, Vera.

Another tribute that day was the plaque presented to Art Sr. and Barbara Jones of Walker Lake. They celebrated 37 years of service to the church and are stepping down at this time.  Both of these seniors reminisced about the early days of this established church.  “We met in a garage at first.  The only ones there were three to four families and we were all related to one another,” said Barbara Jones.

Art remembered building the physical church that now stands as a beacon along Highway 95, with it’s well-lit cross spanning the height of the building.   “I came from the construction industry, so I was blessed to provide the actual timber that framed this building which we still use today.  Even my son Artie was swinging a hammer along side all the men of the church, while the ladies made us meals.  Back then it was the congregation building their buildings, and everyone helped out.”  The memory of it all gave Art Sr. a moment of emotion, as if the pride of it all hit a soft spot.

The Jones’ have been dedicated to the church by meeting the needs and enjoying the successes.  They both served the church and have done the work of the Lord, holding many varied positions over the many years they’ve attended. Many in the congregation thanked them with hugs and a decorated cake, at a luncheon following the morning service.