The 2014 Hawthorne Little League season is upon us. This year’s registration deadline is March 31. Registration fees are $30 for ages 3-4, $35 for ages 5-6, $45 for ages 7-8 and $55 for ages 9-12.

Your registration fee includes your child’s hat; as well as pictures; an end of the season pizza party and their trophy. This fee also includes insurance if your child is injured in the course of play.

Team shirts can be purchased after the season for $10.

You can register your child online. The link is posted on the Hawthorne Little League Facebook page, or if you don’t have access to the internet, you can contact Jason or Jaime for the registration forms. Children from ages 3 to 12 are eligible to play.

We’re also doing the Adopt-A-Little-Leaguer program. If there is anybody in the community that doesn’t have children who play, or would just like to see more children play, you can sponsor a child by paying their registration costs.

We would also appreciate any donations of cleats, gloves, bats, or any other baseball equipment you might have, to help out the families that can’t always afford such things.

Opening Ceremonies is scheduled for Saturday, April 12. Once again, we are in need of volunteers for umpiring, concessions; announcing the games; and field work.

If you have any questions on the upcoming season, or if you would like to volunteer, please contact Jason Cardenas at 316-0301 or Jaime Barton at 316-0155. We’re looking forward to another successful season.